Friday, July 31, 2009

where did you find that?

i'm convinced that toddlers are like chipmunks and squirrels. case in point: phantom pacifiers. we have a ton of pacifiers. one day we'll have 7 or 8, and the next day we can only find two. where do they go? mostly he drops them in the middle of the night, and while looking for them, it falls between the slats in the crib and bounces under it against the wall. and when we pull the crib out and find the pile of 3 or 4 that we've been missing, it still doesn't account for the 3 or 4 more that are still missing! where on earth do they go? recently, i figured it out!

k generally only uses them for sleep times, but will on occasion steal them from bed and walk around the house with them. when he has it out of the bed, we take it and usually put it somewhere he either can't find or can't reach. problem solved. so why then does he come out of random corners of the house with another one in his mouth? because he hides them and saves it for the right occasion. the other day he pulled one out from under the corner of the bed in our guest bedroom...that we had JUST cleaned for company last week. when did he find the time to put one there? and why today did i find one stuck behind a book on my bookcase? he hides them! and then when he feels like having one and he can't get one because we've taken them all and put them where he can't get them...he goes to his hiding place and get's his fix, like a squirrel with his winter stash!

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