Thursday, July 23, 2009

3 day potty training: day 2

yesterday was a very trying day...ok, it just plain sucked. k cried all day every time we ran to the bathroom. no wonder he slept so soundly all night! i do have to say that i was surprised he got up completely dry. with as much as he peed last night, i thought maybe he'd just never be done! looking back though, with as much as he peed last night, he clearly had no liquid left in him! so he got up dry and we went to the potty...nothing, because again, he had no liquid left in his body. or so i thought. as soon as i put the waffles in the toaster i noticed a tiny drop of wet on the front of his underpants (which i've been told my my husband this morning, " big boy calls them underpants hon."), so we went to the potty, which he did NOT want to do. we sat there a couple minutes and there was nothing. which leads me to believe that his insides are much like his mother's, and he just sneezed and lost control of his bladder momentarily! TMI i know, but it's a fact of life! anyway, we get back to the waffles, and i hear, "oh oh oh!" and by the time i turn around there is a puddle on the floor. i take him to the bathroom kicking and screaming. i put him in the shower to clean off his legs, we put on a new pair, i cleaned the floor, and we ate our waffles. then while daddy was getting dressed he said, "i think he needs to go!" so i ran, scooped him up and got him into the bathroom, crying his eyes out! he sat, nothing. he stood up and protested putting on his underwear (the preferred term according to hubby) and scooted behind the toilet, and proceeded to pee on the floor.

it is at this time that i decide this is crazy. many people have had overwhelming success with this program...i just don't think it's for us. when i was semi-training him myself, sure there were accidents, but he didn't cry every time he had to be on the potty, and he didn't protest getting clean stuff put on. my house didn't smell like pee (and again as i said yesterday, maybe it didn't and i just imagined it because i knew he had peed on almost every surface in my house), my kid was happy, and he actually enjoyed being on his potty.

so i wiped his legs again, and told daddy to get me a pull up. that's right...i didn't throw them all away. why not? because if this didn't work (though i did have very high hopes that it would) i needed a back up plan. "but why do you need back up if you think it's going to work," you may ask. because i'm a big "what if?" person. i'm the person who will pack 8 days worth of clothes for a 3 day camping trip just in case something happens. what if it rains? what if the wind blows my shirt off the clothes line? what if it's super cold at night? i have to be prepared. i was not prepared for this to fail as miserably as i feel it has, so i in turn feel like a failure. but i did what i felt was best for our family. and if k is in diapers for the next few months, i'm fine with that as long as i have my happy boy back again!

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